Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Get Out of Your Head: 10 Tips for Self-Expression

Self-expressionYou know those times when you have to remember something, say, to tell your spouse to pick up something on the way home from work. You remind yourself a couple times to be sure you don't forget, because you absolutely need this thing. Today.

Except, they come home without said item claiming you never said anything. Only you're dead certain you told them. But 10 minutes later you realize that you actually hadn't said anything—  you simply thought about it so much, you convinced your brain that you had.

Sometimes our personalities are like that.

We get so caught up in our lives, our emotions, our opinions, our problems... that we assume everyone around us knows exactly how we feel. Except in reality we haven't actually said anything. All of these thoughts and feelings have happened only for us. No one else can see what's going on inside our minds.

So how do we get out of our heads and show off who we are?

Here are 10 tips for doing just that.

1. Be bold

Don't be scared or timid. Don't be afraid of showing yourself off.

2. Say what you're feeling

Be honest, be kind. Don't ignore or lie about how something makes you feel.

3. Be spontaneous

Don't stop to analyze every single thing. Life is happening right now. Live it.

4. Change your mind

Just make sure you tell someone!

5. Be loud

Been quiet lately? Make some noise.

6. Show emotion

Laugh, cry, get angry. Don't bottle it up.

7. Make eye contact

Very easy way to bring you into the moment and out of yourself.

8. Do something you've always wanted

Experiment. Live. Enjoy!

9. Ask questions

Learn about yourself while learning about others.

10. Accept imperfection

Perfection is impossible. Enjoy your imperfect self - you are as close to perfection as you'll ever be, in this moment.


Update: One lovely reader, Abhishek Shah from was kind enough to make this post into a wonderful Slideshow on I hope you enjoy it as must as I did!

[slideshare id=16670030&doc=getoutofyourhead-130221071623-phpapp02]


Which tip is your favorite? Have any you'd like to add to the list?


Photo courtesy of Beercha


  1. Kim, I think this is such a good point. I sometimes get irritated at my partner because, basically, she isn't reading my mind! How silly is that? Your idea that we live too much in our own heads is really well taken.

  2. It's silly once we realize it... the trick is realizing it!

  3. Kim, You have made some great points in getting out of your heads, being present and aware of what is happening. I will remember to use one of them next time I feel irritated over someone 'not getting it'.

  4. So hard. So hard. I was raised to be extremely conscious, which is basically the opposite of what you describe above. But I'm aware - unlike Bobby and Priska who get irritated at others when they don't read their mind, I get irritated, but then remember it's probably my fault for not communicating... and then instead of communicating just stop being irritated.

    Not a good long-term solution :)

  5. But hey, at least you're recognizing the lack of communication, and that's a big step! Now you just have to practice moving on to the communication part. :)

  6. #2 and #3 are definitely ones I need to work on. I'm such a planner. And, I tend to keep my feelings to myself. These are great tips -- and I particularly like the comparison you made with telling someone about something or not.

  7. #4 Was always the hardest for me as I was always so shy!

  8. I love #9. I think we're all naturally curious, but are sometimes afraid to ask what we want to. An alternative to 5 is the opposite - enjoy the silence and express yourself in other ways :)

  9. You're right, silence works great too!

  10. [...] share You know those times when you have to remember something, say, to tell your spouse to pick up something on the way home from work.  [...]

  11. Kim, just love the article! Couldn't stop myself to convert this article into a slideshare presentation. They say that A picture is Worth a Thousand Words" - hopefully you would like it. Do share your feedback.

  12. [...] in October, I posted 10 Tips on Self-Expression, and one of my lovely readers, Abhishek Shah from turned that post into a [...]
