Monday, October 22, 2012

15 Ways to Completely Waste Your Time



What is life, but the very moment of time you're in right now?

Life is right now. This moment. This second.

Therefore, when you waste time, you're wasting your life.

If you're expecting the typical list, of time-wasters  like spending too much time on Facebook or Twitter or watching too many reruns of SVU, well... this isn't that kind of list.

While those things can indeed be wastes of time, they aren't always. Sometimes, it's good to relax and watch a show you really enjoy. Or get the lastest Facebook updates.

But there are some time wasters that are rarely conditional, and are pretty much always going to waste your time.

The thing is, they are sometimes much harder to spot. We know Twitter can be a waste of time. We know that Pinterest can suck up hours of our lives in one sitting.

But this list I've prepared for you? It's full of things you often don't even realize you're doing. And many of us have wasted years participating in these activities.

So today, I'm giving you a little reminder to be mindful of your time and help you take back your life.

Behold, 15 Ways to Completely Waste Your Time

1. Care what other people think

2. Worry about what may or may not happen tomorrow

3. Hold on to regrets

4. Quit too soon

5. Withhold forgiveness

6. Be something other than you

7. Self-medicate your stress with drugs and alchol

8. Live in denial

9. Give less than your best

10. Let others make your decisions for you

11. Give in to irrational fears

12. Place blame

13. Not use your voice (verbal or otherwise)

14. Blindly follow the crowd

15. React in a spiteful manner

Let's get a list going! What time-wasting activities would you add to the list?

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Image courtesy of Grzegorz Łobiński


  1. Hey Kim,
    I love the twist you put on this post. If I were to sum it up I'd say that being too reactive or proactive is a danger either way. Living in the moment really makes life worth living, but man, it can be awfully hard to do sometimes!
    I don't have anything to add to your already awesome list. You covered a ton of ground.

  2. What a great list! I did expect to read the usual of too much time with social media. By spending less time on the fifteen items you mentioned we're freed up to communicate and connect in more suitable ways.

  3. Yes, that's a good one!

    Fixing others implies they are wrong, which is putting our judgements of right/wrong on them. So yeah, great suggestion!

  4. You're absolutely right - too "anything" can be a danger.

    Thanks for commenting!

  5. Thanks Priska! It definitely freed up some time for me after realizing these things!

  6. Excellent post, Kim! These are things we don't consider as time wasters, but they really are once you think about them. Thanks for opening my eyes up to these!

  7. You're speaking my language on this one, Kim. GREAT points and several that I write about constantly!

    We're all guilty of a handful of those at times, aren't we? While certainly time wasters, several are also just downright bad for you in mind, body, and spirit as well.

    Great post!

  8. Truth, Kim, this is awesome! I would add: get so focused on perfection that you forget to actually act.

  9. A delightful list, Kim!
    As one who has just posted a graphic about (potentially) wasting time on Social Media, I like Priska thought you might be expanding on that theme. But this was more fun, and also thought-provoking -- as Joel pointed out.
    Your #4, "Quit too soon" is the one I'm working the hardest to overcome these days. It really really matters, if one ever hopes to accomplish ANYTHING. I've spent a large part of my life learning this the hard way, and am determined not to repeat the error.
    What would I add to your list?
    "Delay asking for help" (yup, learned this one the hard way, too!)

  10. Thanks Bobbi! It's definitely not what most of us think as time wasters :)

  11. haha thanks Gary! I'd say we are all guilty of some of these here and there - at least I have been!

  12. Ooooh Erin, that's a good one! I've totally done that before!

  13. Thanks Jim! That's a good one to add!

  14. I love this post, Kim. These are truly time wasters and a wonderful reminder to be mindful of them in our everyday lives.

  15. Kim, I think I may need to print these and keep them as a reminder! Great list.

    For myself, I'd add #16 as: Making continuous plans and checking possibilities and then never acting on them. Then repeating the process.

  16. This information should be taught in every high school. Living an authenthic life is not encouraged - but needs to be. This is a great list and a good reminder for all of us - throughout our lives. Thanks.

  17. Hi Kim,

    'Quit too soon' was a real eye opener for me, it really makes sense.

    Jims offering--"delay asking for help" was great too.

    I would add 'eating poorly'. I'm trying to change my eating habits, and it's making me very aware of how not looking after myself leads to so much wasted time.

  18. oooh Patti, that's a good one! I'm totally guilty of that!

  19. You're right! It really should... then we might have less bullying and teen depression/suicides and such. It's such a horrible thing some of them go through.

  20. That's a good one, Dave... but really hard! I'm working on that one now.

  21. Really awesome post, Kim!

    Here's my addition: Work YEARS (or even a minute) in a job you don't love.

    Or spend your life without doing what you love even just a little every day.


  22. I agree! I absolutely HATED my last job. I dreaded going there, to the point that I didn't even get excited when I got off for the day because I was already calculating how many hours I had before I had to be back. I left the job after I was in a car accident, and despite the months of being in pain, I really see that accident as a blessing in disguise. It got me out of that job and gave me the opportunity to do something I really wanted to do (this blog). Now, I'd never compromise with a job I hate.
