Friday, April 19, 2013

4 Tips to Beat the Blahs

Get some sunshine


Feeling bored and uninspired by life lately?

I dealt with this not so long ago. I felt bored with everything I did and found myself constantly searching for that "fun" thing that would get me fired up again.

I know I'm not alone in this, so I thought I'd share some of the things that helped get my spark back.


1. Do something different.

Sometimes you're in a rut, because you're well, in a rut. Walking the same paths, doing the same things, seeing the same people...

No matter how fun something is at at first, if you do it consistently enough, you run the risk of burnout. Rather than giving up something you once found fun, try doing something different for a while. Spice it up.

Take a new route for your morning walk. Visit a friend you haven't seen in a while. Read a book you wouldn't normally read. Find a way to add something new to your day.

2. Remind yourself of your goals.

How many times have you quit your workout routine out of sheer boredom? I sure know I've done it plenty of times!

But rather than quit, always remember why you're doing this. Never, ever forget your goals, remember how important they are to you, and find a new route to get there.

“The cause of most of man's unhappiness is sacrificing what he wants most for what he wants now.” ― Gordon B. Hinckley

3. Soak up some sunshine.

Sometimes you just need a bit of sun. While there are cons to getting too much sun, a bit of sun in small doses is great for boosting, not only your mood, but immunity, the quality of sleep, and lowering blood pressure.

Spend some time outdoors playing catch with your kid or take your dog for a walk that's more than just a potty trip. Instead of reading in bed, grab a blanket and find a park with a big shade tree.

Shady Tree

4. Take a break.

On the other hand, sometimes the lack of desire to do anything is your brain telling you that it really doesn't want to do anything. We seem to stay so busy these days, focusing so much on maximizing our days, that we hit sensory overload. It might be time to simply do nothing and relax.

Find a quiet place and just spend some time with yourself. Maybe in a quiet park, or a river bank. Or sitting quietly in a library. Pick something that won't stimulate your senses, and just be with yourself, your thoughts. You could also try meditating.

Do you have any tricks that have worked for you?

Image credit: 1 R. Nial Bradshaw; 2 Ralph Bestic


  1. Kim, Great tips. I would add doing something creative. Engaging in a creative pursuit utilizes your right brain which acts a form of meditation. Also doing something physical. The connection between exercise and mental health and also movement inspires creativity.

  2. Marvy post, Kim!!!! Getting sun is way underrated in our rather inert society. Getting adequate vitamin D is all but impossible through food and supps alone. Getting out for a long walk is our favorite daily activity.

  3. It sure is! And it's hard too, since we have off the bad things sun does vs all the good things it does. I'm no scientist, but it's hard for me to believe that the single most important thing to maintaining life on earth is something to be avoided at all costs.

  4. [...] Feeling bored and uninspired by life lately?I dealt with this not so long ago. I felt bored with everything I did and found myself constantly searching for that “fun” thing that would get me fired up again.  [...]

  5. I like the title of your blog and think your tips are interesting.

  6. First of all, I have to say I love the site, Kim! Where have I been while you were creating this? Wow!

    I like the suggestion to read a book you wouldn't normally read. I can't tell you how many times I've been inspired by a different type of book. I am reading Megan Joel Peterson's The Children and the Blood which is a genre I do not normally read. Being connected to her through the Internet also makes me deeply appreciate the time she put into weaving such a page-turner.

    Great reminders all, Kim! I can't tell you how much better I feel now that I get to see the sun come up every day. Too many years without much of the big guy in the sky. Or girl. I always imagine the sun to be a woman - strong and powerful. (oh, and no I promise I haven't any vodka in my coffee - just happy!). Enjoy your morning!

  7. Thanks Tammy! I'm glad you like the changes!

    I agree with you on interacting with the author online. There's just something about it that makes everything connect with you better.

    I'm glad that you're having such a fantastic day!

  8. This is a great list. Your third point resonates with me. Now that winter is finally over, I can finally get more time outside. It's amazing how much better that makes you feel. There's just something about being in the sun that makes me feel good. That might be because I had to stay inside for most of the winter. I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts.

  9. I'm the same way. I'm not a big fan of summer (I live in Florida), but once it starts warming up a bit, it's so freeing and thrilling to go outside and enjoy the air. I'm also the same way on that first cool day that signals fall is coming. It's perfect.

  10. Fresh air is so good for the spirit and it can really clear out the toxic thoughts. My 9 year old calls himself the King of fresh air as his personality changes in the open air ! He becomes relaxed and carefree. must take more breaks in outside!

  11. Kim - at my age, I've tried all of these avenues at some time or another. Sometimes nothing works, but I've also learned not to be so hard on myself when I'm not successful. Just reading that other fellow creative types experience these feelings and down days is a way to feel somewhat revived. Thanks.

  12. When you get bored by doing the same things daily, it brings back your excitement if you change it for some time. Also, if you can find some fun in the daily activity in some way, it helps you very much.

  13. So inspiring. I mean it, lots of people just start to feel unfulfilled with their lives, and very often it's just that they are in a rut and nothings happening for them. I have ALWAYS been the kind of person to say: CHANGE IT if you don't like the way it is! People get stuck in their habits too easily in my opinion. Sometimes they should just start really thinking about what is good for them and start doing that. And this is where your tips come in, Kim! I wouldn't say, they're all there is to do, but they give a good direction. Well written and well thought out!
    Lots of love

  14. We wish them the best! They now have a job and a place to stay until they get their first paycheck.

  15. Great tips. Thanks this blog also contains inspirational stories and useful.

  16. Sometimes, in spite of all your attempts, it's still an uphill battle. Then I remind myself that this is just a phase (as long as I'm not there too long). Thanks for your thoughts.

  17. Nice tips! I've been facing this problem so many times that I can't even count them, but as you said you just need to know how to get over it. And btw. thank you so much, your thoughts really motivate me.


  18. Great post but one things that is definitely missing is some sort of physical activity. It is not only very good for your health but relaxes you and gives the boost you need to fight the mighty "blahs"

  19. Great post and extremely thought provoking!
    Here's what inspired us!
    We at Raj Express have also created a CSR Initiative to recognize the real life heroes amongst us. Check it out:

  20. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this article! Taking a break is definitely something I need to do! Greatly encouraging.

  21. Exactly what I needed! Haven't been feeling inspired lately and was finding ways to get my groove back. Thanks for the advice, truly helped!

  22. I couldn't agree more with this article! It is so easy to get wrapped up in the daily chores and sometimes we can take the small things for granted. Thanks for sharing.

    Amy Boardman

  23. "But rather than quit, always remember why you're doing this. Never, ever forget your goals, remember how important they are to you, and find a new route to get there."

    This is how another way I get inspired :

  24. Hey is the blog still going? You have some awesome content and it would be great to talk about how we may be able to work together. I am building a community of people who want to create projects and move towards doing more of the things they love and your inspiring writing would be great!

  25. This is a brilliant post. At a time when a lot of us are stressed, continuously delivering to high expectations, leading varied and yet seemingly monotonous lives, taking a break and going out to do something to remove the 'blah' is so effective.

    I actually write about something similar. I know we are all constantly having new posts and ideas thrown at us, but really, I have something called a 'Pins&Needles mindset'. Have a look, see what you think.


  26. Thanks so much your writing inspired me:

  27. Nice tips! I have often experienced said "blah" feeling as an early stage of burn out from work. I am good about reminding myself of goals, but I do forget sunshine sometimes. Thank you for the strategies and reminder!
